The Mission Level GSM/GPRS Network Performance Simulator (MLNPS) is an MLDesignerapplication to analyze the performance of a GSM or GPRS cellular network design.The MLNPS simulates GSM and GPRS network operations by configuring a simulationmodel of the network (importing the network layout, setting the GSM/GPRS algorithm-related parameters.) generating a simulated user population, and then testing thenetwork model with the simulated user population. The number and type of users (fixed,walking or automotive passenger), types (voice or data) and duration of calls are controlledby parameter. The MLNPS automatically collects data describing the behavior ofthe system and the outcomes of user calls. It displays a series of performance graphs thatreport data such as uplink/downlink RX power, uplink/downlink channel interferencedata transmission rate and block error rate. The MLNPS model can be easily modified toadd new statistics that can be written to files or summarized in graphs.
The MLNPS has many potential applications such as:
For ease of understanding, the MLNPS model can be divided into four parts: Environment setup, network configuration, user definition and simulation control.
Environment setup defines the physical characteristics of the network. The service area (zone) is defined (map, scale, streets, major buildings and other information), such as the granularity of the service area map. Base stations are defined (position on the map, the base station configuration variables such as number of dedicated voice, data and handover channels, maximum transmission power, etc.)
Network configuration defines the operational characteristics of the network such as TRX configuration, power control, host algorithms, the maximum users per channel, the handover algorithm and the frequency-hopping algorithm.
User definition specifies the user population. Variables include the number of users, the user type (fixed, walking or in a car), the physical movement associated with each user type, the call behavior (probability of initiating a call, probability of voice or data call, length of call), maximum handset power, etc.
Simulation control sets variables specific to the simulation run such as the amount of time to be simulated, the names of files where the output data are to be stored, etc.
Model system configuration parameters include:
(Individual modules have additional configuration parameters.)
The model is comprised of hierarchical modules, as shown in the screen shot below.
The top-level modules include:
Each of these modules is, in turn, comprised of lower level modules and/or primitives.
Output graphs include:
Sample outputs are shown on the following pages.
Note: This model was developed by Siemens AG.