The MAC Library is an implementation of the formal description of MAC operation from the ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition. The model is a direct conversion of the ITU Specification and Description Language (SDL) to the MLDesigner Finite State Machine (FSM) language. The 802.11 MAC model provides the MAC-SAP interface to convey MSDUs from and to the LLC entity, the MLME-SAP interface with all service primitives to receive and send indications, requests and confirms from and to a station management entity, and the PHY-SAP interface with all service primitives to interact with the PHY layer. All parameters of the primitives are stored in data structures, which are exchanged between the modules. All frametypes are supported as data structures. All required 802.11 parameters, such as PHY characteristics, can be specified in the model. Note: WEP and encryption are not yet implemented.
The top-level block diagram for the 8802.11 MAC model is shown below. It consists of six major components, each represented at the top level by a single block.
Each block contains lower-level block diagrams which, in turn, contain lower level block diagrams and Finite State Machine descriptions.The contents of the transmission block are shown below, followed by the FSM for the backoff procedure block.
The primary actions of the top level components are listed below.